Monday, February 23, 2009

And a homeless guy

Mary and I did our photo shoot a block from the local homeless shelter. This man and his friend, among its patrons, walked past us as we were setting up and asked if I'd take his picture. I smiled and said sure. Looking back on it, I probably should have asked them their names; that would have been more human of me. I'm not so good with the people, though, and the art of conversation definitely eludes me so ... oh well.

Sorry homeless man. Stay warm.


A few more

NicholeVan weathered tint action applied

Curves adjustments to mimic old timey cross-processing

Curves adjustments to mimic old timey cross-processing, then blended (Soft Light, I think?) for a more subtle effect


Sunday, February 22, 2009

I began with that and ended up with this

I took this photo, more or less SOOC (that's "straight out of camera" for the uninitiated)...

Original photo; click for larger version
Nikon D70; 85mm prime lens; 1/640s at f/1.8; ISO 200

... and added two textures (both of which I'd photographed previously, so they're mine all mine):

Stucco texture

Rust texture

I futzed around with blending modes, masked the textures out a bit around the face and arms, and added my (again, completely original) favorite border, and voila!

Finished product; click for larger version

Thanks for modeling, seester (and for the hot date)!